San Diego Mayoral Race calls for “follow the money” … Potential Taxpayer Money Used for Mayoral Campaign

San Diego 2020 Mayor Election
7 min readOct 1, 2020
Todd Squad

Candidates rely heavily on paid consultants, campaign employees and volunteers to organize their events, raise them money, walk precincts, call voters, manage volunteers, schedule their time, staff campaign offices, research campaign proposals and even propagate their campaign propaganda. Some candidates who are current elected officials with taxpayer paid employees sometimes will have their taxpayer [government] paid employees involved in their campaign. Rules require these government paid employees document when they are taking time-off from their government work when it is during their normal work hours (9:00AM to 5:30PM) and must not use their government emails, government paid equipment and refrain from any campaign work within government buildings. There are clear restrictions against using government created, managed or updated press lists, contact lists, research materials or any other government work product being used or transferred to a campaign.

There are four ways candidates, who are current elected officials with government employees, can follow this law when it comes to their government employees involvement in their campaign.

(1) They draw a very clear line between government work and campaign work. Government employees will only work on government work and NO campaign work.

(2) They draw a very clear line through a hybrid approach with government employees working on government and campaign work. However employees will only work during normal government hours on government work and only work AFTER HOURS on campaign work. Employees are allowed to conduct campaign work outside of government buildings on their personal unpaid lunch time but breaks are paid government time.

(3) They work with a RECORD approach where the government employees will work on government and campaign work during normal government hours. This approach requires the employees to properly document and submit this record to the Assembly which government hours they conduct campaign work and submit the records on the campaign work conducted during normal government work. This time used for campaign work during government hours will be subtracted from the government pay and benefits. Employees is allowed to conduct campaign work outside of government buildings on their personal unpaid lunch time but breaks are paid government time.

(4) They decide to BREAK the law and government employees will jump back and forth between government and campaign work during government hours without documentation and deduction from their government pay and benefits.

There are times when government employees will get a campaign related items; mail, email or a phone call and each office will set-up a process to hand it off to someone on the campaign or respond to the sender with the campaign contact. Government employees with government payed equipment or during government hours can’t schedule a campaign event, post any campaign materials to social media platform (even on their own personal social media account) or even attend a campaign related event. While it was not campaign related but we saw the government abuse by Kelvin Barrios with his ethic violations when he worked for both San Diego Council President Georgette Gomez AND Laborers Local 89.


Assembly staff, during government work hours, were posting over and over items to help Mr. Gloria’s campaign on Twitter, Facebook and other social platforms. We can expect the Assembly staff now will comb through their social media accounts and delete all posts in an attempt to cover-up their illegal actions which placed them in legal trouble. (None of the below is a like fake footnote #15 but taken from the staff’s actual social media.)

It seems Nick Serrano as paid Campaign Manager for Mr. Gloria’s campaign AND government paid Assembly Communications Director seems he might have violated the law. Did he submit a record he was not to be paid by the government during this time?

See below:

It seems Javier Gomez as campaign paid staff on Mr. Gloria’s campaign AND government paid Assembly Field Representative seems he might have violated the law. Did he submit a record he was not to be paid by the government during this time?

See below:

It seems Eduardo Martinze as campaign volunteer staff for Mr. Gloria’s campaign AND government paid Chief of Staff seems he might have violated the law. As well, as it seem Rany Wilde as campaign volunteer staff to Mr. Gloria’s campaign AND government paid Assembly Field Representative seems he might have violated the law. Did they submit a record he was not to be paid by the government during this time?

See below:

It seems Stephen Hill as campaign volunteer staff for Mr. Gloria’s campaign AND government paid Assembly District Director seems he might have violated the law. As well, as it seem Michaela Valk as campaign volunteer staff to Mr. Gloria’s campaign AND government paid Assembly Field Representative seems she might have violated the law. Did they submit a record he was not to be paid by the government during this time?

See below:

On a side note the Retweet by Ms. Valk (far right side image) on Mr. Gloria’s original Tweet on his father and mother was in reference to Mr. Gloria making it seem his father was a gardener through his entire youth and as reported by La Prensa San Diego he has not been a gardener for decades. Mr. Gloria did not reference the article for political purposes to allow him to be deceptive on comments on his father and create outrage for his own campaign benefit. His own staff did this Retweet during her government paid work time.

In addition to the above social media posts there are emails which show Assembly staff using their government emails to conduct work to help with mayoral debates and conduct other mayoral campaign work. The person with the evidence, due to fear of retaliation, would not allow me to have it and especially post them here. This information can be gathered under the Public Records Request which Mr. Gloria has attempted several times at the state level and on city council to eliminate any reasonable retention of these types of documents. We can now gleam his real intent for shortening this retention period. Think of the trove of information from his council office on 101 Ash Street.

Mr. Gloria even this past year attempted to pass legislation to shorten the time (two-years) government must hold on to this evidence. Read more about the legislation by clicking here. Like much of Mr. Gloria’s legislation, even as California Assembly Majority Whip, he failed to move it through the legislature.

It is time for the media to truly investigate Mr. Gloria and his staff on their work in the election of him using taxpayers money to further is political campaign for San Diego Mayor. Mr. Gloria and his staff are motivated because if he wins this election then many of them can be almost guarantee another eight more years of government pay, benefits and the power of the mayor’s office.

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There will be follow-up posts which will FOLLOW THE MONEY with Mr. Gloria’s candidate committee, his burn rate, IE Committees, consultant disclosures, fundraising practices, questionable donors, inflated contribution numbers, Democratic Party ethical questions, contributions from diametrical organizations and Mr. Gloria’s candidate committee finance advisers.



San Diego 2020 Mayor Election

Not affiliated with any campaign or organization. Will present facts about Todd Gloria which voters should be aware about prior to casting their ballot.